v7.4 [Jan 20, 2018]
- Show images in preview view sorted by newest date
- New license model “Lifetime” and a cheaper 1 year license
v6.0 [Jul 12, 2016]
iDevice Manager works without iTunes
Small internal optimizations.
v5.3 [Dec 12, 2015]
- New language polish.
- Set image capture date as file create date of downloaded images.
v5.1 [Sep 19, 2015]
May include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
v3.3 [Jan 31, 2014]
29.01.2014 Version
- Search for files in the device backup
v3.2 [Oct 8, 2013]
- Added support of notes for iOS6 and iOS7
- Export of notes in text format (*.txt) by download or drag ‘n drop
- Bug fixes
v2.1 [May 24, 2013]
- Bug fix connection errors.
- Delete of contact from device.
- Add new contacts to device by drag-and-drop, vCard upload or manual.
- Fixes different bugs on creating vCard files from device contacts.
v2.0 [Apr 18, 2013]
Deleting of files with character like @#$ is now possible
Fixed: Upload new image for a person if image was uploaded
v1.7 [Nov 10, 2012]
- iOS 6 support for SMS, iMessages, Contacts and Emails
- Displaying and download of SMS and iMessage attachments like vCards, images, text and otrher files
- Loading SMS and iMessages faster
- Export all selected SMS and iMessage in one CSV file
- Added missing and translations changes for Bulgarian
- Fixed erroneous contact after add or update of the contact image
- correctly display non-English characters
Transfer music, photos, videos, contacts, SMS and other data from iPhone to PC.
Transfer video, audio and photo files between iPhone and PC without any loss.
This program will help you transfer the photos from your iPhone to your PC.